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Top 4 Mental Secrets for Pre-Season Preparation - Webinar Recording

Our Co-Founders Jonathon O'Neill and Joe Davis hosted a webinar on Wednesday July 31st on the Top 4 Mental Secrets for Pre-Season Preparation. 

Watch the recording below.


About HeadCoach

HeadCoach optimizes performance and enhances mental wellbeing by focusing on emotional intelligence, the science of understanding and managing emotions. Our mobile app allows coaches and psychologists to scale their wellbeing support by providing insights on everyone's wellbeing, monitoring individuals in real-time, and enabling focused one-to-one support where it is needed most.

If you would like to learn more about HeadCoach and how it can help your sports organization to improve the mental wellbeing of your players and coaches, click the link below to book meeting with 1 of our team. 

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